Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Cancer Research Funding
National Cancer Institute (NCI): In 1971, President Nixon and Congress declared a War on Cancer. At that time, lung cancer was the leading cause of cancer death—it still is today. Funding for NCI grew from $400 million per year in 1971 to $4.78 billion in 2005. Most major cancers have benefited with increasingly high five-year survival rates.The underfunding of lung cancer research has kept its survival rate almost as low as it was in 1971.Department of Defense (DOD): In 1992, Congress started funding cancer research programs at DOD. From 1992 to 2004, DOD funding for breast cancer research totaled $1.66 billion. An additional $150 million has been appropriated for 2005. Prostate cancer research totaled $565 million from 1997-2004. Another $85 million has been appropriated for 2005.Lung cancer research received only $33 million from 1999 to 2004, with just $2.1 million appropriated for 2005.
Centers for Disease Control (CDC): Congress also earmarks funding within CDC for specific cancers. The 2005 budget includes $204 million for breast and cervical cancer research, $14 million for prostate cancer research, and $14.6 million for colon cancer research.The 2005 budget includes $0 for lung cancer research.
Posted by Henry (Calem's Opa) :: 1:31 PM :: 0 people are more aware