Saturday, September 22, 2007
Today September 22
Today it is 23 months ago that Laurianne left us. Since it is Saturday it is a 100 weeks ago today. We will celebrate her life today with burning a candle. There is not one day in my life I'm not thinking about her and when I see her son becoming bigger and bigger there is always a twinge of pain of her missing out of it. We will also celebrate her life and that of other people who are battling this disease and the ones who has lost their life. Today is also the day today that my brother in law and friend Hans lost his battle with lung cancer in 2001. He was only 52 and left his wife and 3 young children behind. We will remember him as well and burn a candle for him too.Labels: cancer, Laurianne, lung cancer, smoking cessation
Posted by Henry (Calem's Opa) :: 2:56 PM :: 0 people are more aware