Sunday, March 15, 2009
Call Me Crazy, But....
My sister did Relay For Life for the first time in 2005. She wore this hat. I didn't make it to Relay that year. I remember her saying to me, "Next year, we will do Relay For Life together!" The next month, cancer took her from us, and our Relay For Life walk was not to be. However, I think that in a way, she was there with me the next year. Our local American Cancer Society dedicated the next Relay For Life to my sister. That year, I was pumped up and ready to go. That year, and every year after, I wore my sister's pink hat and I walked in Relay For Life. That first year, my dad handed me that purple "Cancer Sucks" button, and not wanting to poke the hat, I strung the pin through the hat's tag where it has stayed ever since.
The following two Relays was also good for me. I asked some bloggers if they would mind if I walked in memory of their lost loved ones, and they agreed. I always think of the people who I have met that have been affected by cancer. But last year, I just didn't have my heart into it. While in the past, I asked the online community to help me with donations, I think I did one post. And one person who has always been anonymous has always donated. (Thank you, anonymous person! I do know who you are!) It seemed harder and harder to ask for donations. I still wore the pink hat, I still thought of the people. Even though I haven't forgotten what cancer took for me, I felt sure that others were tired of me talking about my sister and her cancer. But every year, I wear the pink hat and I do my laps around the track.
But last weekend, it hit me. People are still dying of cancer. People of all ages. Mothers and fathers. Sisters and brothers. Friends. Aunts. Uncles. Cousins. All three of my mom's sisters are battling cancer right now. One of my aunts signed up for Relay For Life within minutes when my mom sent out the email a few weeks ago. And I procrastinated. But I've signed up now.
And as I was walking the other day, I realized I wanted to try and get more donations than ever. And I wanted to try to do something to motivate me to raise some money this year.
My sister was 25 when she died of lung cancer. Ironically, this year is also Relay For Life's 25th anniversary. So, my plan this year is to try and raise at least $2500 in donations. And if I raise this much, I intend to walk 25 miles. Part of me doesn't think it can be done. Part of me says there is no way I am going to get enough donations to have to walk 25 miles, so hey, I can just do things I always have done. But, I'm going to train for it, none the less. Because maybe the community out there will prove me wrong. If you are interested in proving me wrong, the link to my page is:
Are you willing to help spread the word and prove me wrong?Labels: awareness, cancer sucks, Laurianne, Laurianne's hope, organizations, Relay For Life, support
Posted by Lynda :: 4:17 PM :: 1 people are more aware