Saturday, February 28, 2009
Cancer Still Sucks
I feel a certain indescribable pain every time I hear that someone has cancer. I don't remember being as emotional before my sister died. I have met people through this great World Wide Web who have cancer. The amazing thing is that they are all fighters. What can you do, but fight?
Once again, I am bawling over my keyboard for one of these great fighters, someone who ended up losing their fight. Lisa was a wonderful person. I have never seen a community pull together for someone before, like the blogging community did for her. I emailed her last September about Relay for Life, and she was so friendly. It pained me to see her fight this, another young mother, whose children will have to grow up without her.
Rest in Peace, Lisa.
Labels: awareness, cancer, cancer sucks, ovarian cancer
Posted by Lynda :: 12:27 AM :: 0 people are more aware