Laurianne's Hope

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

10 hopeful things for 2006

It is toward the end of the year so I decide to come up with 10 hopeful wishes for 2006

  1. World Peace
  2. To end world hunger
  3. To help poor nations to combat aid money for lung cancer
  4. To come up with some new cures and hopes for people suffering from lung cancer
  5. To end discrimination because there is only one race the human race
  6. Peace in the middle east
  7. For America to withdraw our troops from Iraq and Afghanistan
  8. For a decent economy so all people can live with less worries about their income
  9. Equal opportunity for women not only here in the USA but over the whole world
  10. To find cures for possible pandemics like the Asian Flu

Lung Cancer AwarenessPosted by Henry (Calem's Opa) :: 12:05 PM :: 1 people are more aware