Tuesday, December 13, 2005
home again
We just arrived home from Indianapolis. The trip home was unevent full except for a duffelback wich didn"t arrived in Sacramento. As soon as we left Indy Calem felt on my lap in sleep.
In the sky and with Calem on my lap I felt close to Laurianne and a feeling of deep emotion came over me .We were lucky on the way up and back that nobody sat beside us so we could use the extra seat for Calem.Luckely we had a little more time in phoenix to get to the other plane so we could get some pizza to take on the plane with us. The weather here is pretty nice and a whopping 45 degrees almost a heatwave for us after our time in Indy. I gonna close this blog because it is 0500 Indiana time. i hope to blog more tomorrow
Posted by Henry (Calem's Opa) :: 1:20 AM :: 0 people are more aware