Monday, October 16, 2006
Relay for Life - The Middle
Note: Pictures to be added
Click here for Relay for Life - The Beginning
I bet you never thought I would continue the story! (My mom did, and she was there!) I had the best intentions!
So, Mary Callahan started walking with us, and when we got back to our camp, we talked with her in a circle. My dad was still holding Calem, so, I took Calem from him (because 1 year is a heavy age, remember?) and sat in the closest chair I could find where I could sit safely with a sleeping toddler, and still hear. Well, I found a good seat, but I couldn't hear a thing, except the occasional bits and pieces. At one point I heard my mom say that Laurianne's sister flew out from Indianapolis to be here. So, after Mary was done talking with my parents, my brother, and my aunt, she came over and talked to me. One of the things she asked was why I came to this Relay for Life. I told her it was because Laurianne asked me to come this year, and because she asked, I felt I needed to be here. Mary wrote notes furiously and asked me a few more questions, then thanks us all. (Or thanked me because she had thanked my parents?? I am not sure anymore.)
Eventually sleepy Calem woke up. He looked a little confused, but he wanted to walk. Michael started to take him for a walk around the track, and I wanted to go, so I went to catch up with him. I didn't have to go far, because Calem has short legs. I took Calem's free hand and we walked with him. Michael said he would carry him when he got tired, but Calem did the whole quarter mile. Calem's Oma was quick to get pictures, which made me happy. Soon Calem's Opa came and he was in the stroller, going around and around.
Everyone had a booth set up, and next to us was a massage table, where two ladies were giving massages. Dan was very interested in this, so I gave him some money to get a massage. He was like a loose noodle the whole rest of the time. lol! I went down the way where they had these Relay for Life stars that lit up when you flip the connector around. I bought one for my mom and myself.
After a lot of walking and a lot of looking around, the police came for my uncle. It truely was the Sherrif's Department. But today it was for Relay for Life. You see, someone put my Uncle Piet in jail for being good looking and riding a Harley. It was me. I paid $5 to have him incarcerated for 5 minutes. Piet had the choice of paying $5 to get out, and he declined. In fact, he said, "It isn't like it's the first time." We laughed and laughed. Even Calem laughed. Then when we got there, there was two gals in the jail. I said I didn't think that was a fair incarceration! He would enjoy himself too much. hehe. We took a lot of pictures.
Well, later my dad said that he wanted to do the same thing for Dan. So we went around and around. We took Calem with us. I had been threatening Dan with incarceration, and after Piet was hauled away he thought he was safe. My dad and I went around and he held Calem while I filled out the form. My dad had him incarcerated for being too relaxed at Relay for Life. And my dad paided $20 for 20 minutes. Poor Dan. Well, Dan was ready to do a lap when the sheriff came by. I said to Dan, "Wait here a moment" then yelled to the officer, "He's right here!" So, the whole family followed Dan to the Relay for Life jail. I ran ahead and took pictures, and my aunts and uncle started singing the theme song to Cops. "Bad boy, bad boy. What you gonna to do? What you gonna do when they come for you?" I think Dan wished the earth would swallow him about that point.
Calem laughed some more. We laughed some more. We took more pictures. So, Dan only had to spend 10 minutes in the slammer. First Dan looked really sadly out the chain link. I think he was mad at the world. They had a cot in there and Dan laid across it. I yelled out, "Hey, he is too relaxed in there too!" I think Dan thought this could be his revenge! Then I think my dad started to feel bad for him. He paid half his bail. After Dan was released, he and I walked a lap.
When evening fell, the Luminaria Ceremony was going to begin. We all gathered at the bleachers, but I couldn't find Dan....
(part 3 - coming sooner than part 2)
Posted by Lynda (Laurianne's Sister) :: 8:21 AM :: 0 people are more aware