Friday, September 08, 2006
Good-bye to My Blog Buddy, Lynne White
Tonight I shed belated tears because I found out my blog buddy, Lynne White, died of non-smoking related lung cancer on August 29, 2006. She died on her 55th birthday. Lynne found me though another blog, and told me about her interest in Laurianne's story. Lynne and I talked about lung cancer, and we both agreed that no one deserved to have lung cancer. Lynne often blogged about the difficulties and unfairness of the disease. I recommend you visit and read her archives.
I found a picture of Lynne on her blog. Hopefully her family doesn't mind that I use it. You can see what a beautiful, young woman she is. She was only a few months older than my mom. It is just further proof that this disease can happen to anyone. Two of her children have just gotten married within the last year and a half.
I would like to share Lynne's first blog entry from March 27, 2005:I've decided to begin journaling by using a blog. I'm a 53 year old never-smoked woman with lung cancer. I'm 7 months past diagnosis, and doing well, considering it is Stage IV. I know that's not good, but I'm pressing on.Good-bye, Lynne! I am sure Laurianne will be there to help you along on your new journey!
I've been though 6 rounds of chemo with good success, and with a partial remission, I am stable and being evaluated every three months. I tend to worry and focus on every little ache and pain, but I suppose that's natural.
I have lost a lot due to the cancer.... I became unable to work, I had to give up my home, and I am currently living by the grace of my daughter and her fiance, in their home. I am fortunate to have three fabulous grown children, three loving pets, and two of my children will be married in 2005.
I feel blessed to be alive, and have learned to mediate, visualize, and hope. Thanks to ECaP, Dr. Bernie Siegel's books Peace, Love and Healing, and Love, Medicine, and Miracles, I am learning to live each day and be grateful for the love that surrounds me.
Posted by Lynda (Laurianne's Sister) :: 11:46 PM :: 1 people are more aware