Wednesday, November 07, 2007
November - Lung Cancer Awareness Month
After a much published breast cancer awareness month in October we are a couple of days into November. November is the Lung Cancer Awareness Month and also Pancreatic Cancer Month. Below are some facts about lung cancer.
172,000 people will be diagnosed with lung cancer in 2008
163,000 Americans will die of lung cancer this year- equivalent to to the 9/11 attacks occurring 53 times in a year.
The average patient is diagnosed at around age 70, usually diagnosed with an advanced stage of lung cancer.
It is estimated that 50% of people diagnosed are smokers or former smokers who quit decades ago.
Lung cancer can occur in people who have never smoked.
Here are the cold facts about lung cancer - it's hard to find early and difficult to treat. I have learned it is one of the more miserable cancers to suffer from. However, lung cancer is also one of the most preventable types of cancer. That is the good news! By avoiding certain risk factors for lung cancer, we can reduce our chances of developing it. This is the first step in lung cancer prevention..The 5 ways to prevent lung cancer are:
1. Quit smoking - NOW
Smoking is the number one risk factor for lung cancer. It is estimated that 87% of lung cancer deaths are caused by smoking. As soon as you quit, your body reaps the benefits of being tobacco free. Quitting smoking is the BEST defense against lung cancer. Need help kicking the habit? Visit About's Quit Smoking Site
2. Listen to Mom, and eat those fruits and veggies!
Fruits and vegetables are rich with antioxidants and flavonoids. Antioxidants and flavonoids help protect your cell's DNA and repair damaged cells.
3. Have your home tested for radon.
Radon is the result of broken down uranium. It is a radioactive gas that cannot be seen, felt, smelled or tasted. Uranium occurs naturally in the soil, and the fear is that homes are being built over natural deposits, creating high levels of indoor radon exposure
4. Know what you are being exposed to in the workplace.
If you are exposed to fumes, dust, chemicals, etc in the workplace, you have a right to know what you are being exposed to. Gasoline, diesel exhaust, arsenic, beryllium. vinyl chloride, nickel chromates, coal products, mustard gas, and chloromethyl ethers are all carcinogens and can be found in some work environments. Talk to your employer about limiting exposure.
5. Keep away from secondhand smoke.
Secondhand smoke is the smoke exhaled from a smoker or smoke from a lit cigarette, pipe, or cigar. This smoke contains over 60 known carcinogens (agents causing cancer). These carcinogens interrupt normal cell development. This interference of cell development is what starts the cancer process.
Fortunately new treatments are developed every day so more people get treated and are getting hope and a better quality of life.
Lung cancer and also pancreatic are grossly underfunded and the treatments as for example as with breast cancer are not as widely available. I hope that there will be some awareness this month and that people will find it in their heart to donate some money to lung cancer research. I will post later date a little bit more about pancreatic cancer since we share November as a awareness month.Labels: Laurianne's hope, lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, second-hand smoke
Posted by Henry (Calem's Opa) :: 2:57 PM :: 0 people are more aware