Friday, July 04, 2008
Relay For A World Without Cancer
This year our family will again be participating with the Relay For Life in Santa Rosa, California on September 6 & 7 at Maria Carrillo High School. For more information or a donation please visit our team page: Laurianne's Hope
Why Do We Relay?
Relay For A World Without Cancer
I relay for a world in which no parent will ever again hear the dreaded words "your child has cancer"
I relay for a world in which no husband will ever again hear the frightening words "your wife has cancer"
I relay for a world in which no wife will ever again hear the desolate words "I'm sorry but your husband has cancer"
I relay for a world in which no child will ever hear "I am so sorry that you lost your mom to cancer"
I relay for a world in which no child will ever hear "your father fought hard to beat cancer . . ."
A day will come where we will finally cure cancer.
Soon after that - cancer will be like a cold
And on another day - A GREAT DAY! - cancer will be eradicated - wiped from the face of this earth!
Posted by Henry (Calem's Opa) :: 9:11 PM :: 0 people are more aware