Sunday, April 02, 2006
Kick-Off Meeting for Relay for Life
This blog is being written a couple of days late because I was ill with stomach flu. March 30'th was the first meeting for Relay for Life. Since Josie was ill I went by myself. It was highly emotional for me since it brought up so many memories. There was a guy in his 30's who is a nine year stomach cancer survivor. His speaking was very inspirational. He said his stomach looked like somebody had taken a shotgun and shot in his stomach. He said he is back to riding his bike and doing triathlons again like before he had cancer. They also had a luminary ceremony but that was to emotional for me and I had to walk outside. It is funny in this journey sometimes you think you made progress and sometimes you feel you are at the beginning of the road of healing. They want somebody to speak about different cancers and they asked me to speak in July about Laurianne's story. I am not crazy about public speaking but the story need to be told. They also mentioned non smoking lung cancer and Laurianne's name was mentioned. I hope there will be more focus on lung cancer especially in non smokers and woman since this seems to take epidemic proportions, however I feel as mentioned before nobody deserves lung cancer or any other cancer, smoker and non- smokers alike. I will keep you updated on the next meetings I want to thank my co- author of keeping the blog going and I hope to write soon again.
Posted by Henry (Calem's Opa) :: 9:39 PM :: 0 people are more aware