Friday, March 10, 2006
After the death of Dana Reeve I was reading some of the 1000+ articles on Google news about it. Some were reflecting on possible causes of her lung cancer. It ranged from don't know to second hand smoke in lounges while she was singing. I got to think and I know for sure that there is one cause which hardly got mentioned and that is the lack of research of lung cancer. Except for a few new drugs like Iressa and Tarceva there is no progress made. We are as far as 5 years ago and there is no screening test for lung cancer. I feel outraged about this. I wish I could organize a protest march in Washington with all the people in the nation affected by lung cancer something similar like the one done for HIV and other diseases. Unfortunately I don t know how to organize such an event. It is too bad that somebody like Dana has to die to bring awareness to something like this. I hope that the blame can be taken out of lung cancer and that a cure will be found.
Posted by Henry (Calem's Opa) :: 10:08 AM :: 1 people are more aware