Wednesday, November 30, 2005
They say time
heals all sorrow
And helps us to forget
So far, time has only proved
How much I miss you yet.
There are no words to say
Exactly how I feel
The fact that you have left me,
Does not seem quite real.
If I could have one lifetime wish,
A dream that would come true,
I would pray to God with all my heart
For Yesterday and you.
I think of you in silence
And often speak your name,
But all that is left for an answer
Is a picture in a frame.
A million times I have wanted you,
A million times I have cried.
If love could have saved you,
You would never have died.
No farewells were spoken,
No time to say goodbye.
You were gone before I knew it,
And only God knows why.
It tears could build a stairway,
And heartaches make a lane,
I would walk my way to Heaven
And bring you home again.
Author - Unknown
Posted by Henry (Calem's Opa) :: 10:49 AM :: 0 people are more aware