Sunday, January 08, 2006
Some New Links
I have done some work on the sidebar for this website. I have been thinking for a few months that we need representation of other cancers as well, with a focus on lung cancer, since that is what Laurianne was afflicted with. However, our family has been touched by cancer in so many ways. My dad's sister had breast cancer. My uncle who was the husband from my dad's other sister had lung cancer that spread to his brain. He was a heavy smoker. My mom's sister has a form of chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
These types of things stick with you, though. You always have in the back of your mind the what ifs and want to find ways to help the people you love. When Laurianne was pregnant with Calem, she wanted to same the umblical cord, to help my aunt with the leukemia.
It is very rare to find a family that has not been touched by cancer. An aunt, a sister, a father, a brother, a friend. Like Laurianne, I hope that Calem's generation will not have to worry so much about cancer.
Oh, and one more thing. Of course, I needed to add a Other Links. This blog has to have some general information and fun places to go also. :)
Posted by Lynda :: 12:09 PM :: 1 people are more aware