Wednesday, February 15, 2006
What Is The Value of Human Life?
Doctors are excited about the prospect of Avastin, a drug already widely used for colon cancer, as a crucial new treatment for breast and lung cancer, too. But doctors are cringing at the price the maker, Genentech, plans to charge for it: about $100,000 a year.There is an article in the New York Times today about a new drug for lung cancer, called Avastin. The drug company, Roche, actually disgusts me. I think about how many people may be affected by lung cancer who might be saved by this drug, yet they can't afford it. Insurance may or may not cover it. In a lot of businesses, medical coverage is on the decline, while insurance rates are on the rise.
If this drug could have helped Laurianne, I would have wanted to find a way to pay for it. I didn't realize how short 25 years was until 25 years was all I had. It is a shame that big business has a love for the almighty dollar, which takes precedence over human life.
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Posted by Lynda :: 7:33 AM :: 0 people are more aware