Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Santa Rosa Relay for Life Dedication
This evening Josie, Calem and I went to the American Cancer Society Relay for Life meeting. We are the team captains of our team, Laurianne's Hope. We had been asked if we would share Laurianne's story. Each month someone would share their story to focus on the reasons why we Relay for Life.
After I gave my talk, Jackie-one of the organizers took over and she said how inspired they all were last year by Laurianne's involvement (our team raised over $7700) and enthusiasm she had for Relay while undergoing treatment. Because of this, they are dedicating this years Relay for Life to Laurianne. Of course we are very honored.
They had a large banner made with Laurianne's picture and it says: Santa Rosa Relay for Life proudly dedicates this event to Laurianne's Hope. Then Laurianne's words "So Calem and his generation will not have to worry about cancer". This banner will be visible as participants enter the Relay track on September 9-10.
This Relay for Life dedication, the Laurianne's Hope awards that were presented by Lynda to the winning bands at The First Annual Playing For A Cure in Memphis TN, Dr. Michael Siegel who ran his first half marathon in Boston for the Leukemia and Lymphoma society in memory of Laurianne and others and Lynda has some other friends who did a walk and wore t-shirts with Laurianne's name on it, make the more difficult moments more bearable.
Posted by Henry (Calem's Opa) :: 2:07 PM :: 0 people are more aware