Sunday, October 22, 2006
Laurianne's Celebration of Life Day
Laurianne's Celebration of Life Day is what I would like to call it instead of her memorial day. We had a relatively peacefull day. First some friends came over to the house to give their support. In the afternoon we went to the beach and walked over some piers close to the place where we scattered Laurianne's ashes. Personally I felt very sad initially but a feeling of inner peace came over me wich stayed with me the rest of the day. The weather couldn't be nicer today. On the way back we enjoyed some beautiful fall colors in the vineyards. We have to go back later in the week to take some pictures. Then we had a nice dinner with the four of us. We enjoyed a piece of chocolate cake and Josie is watched desperate housewives, Laurianne's favorite show. Looking back on today it wasn't as bad as expected but Iam still glad to have it behind me. There are still a few obstacles to cross but we shall overcome one day at the time. I want to thank all of our family and friends who are reading this blog for their continued support, today and during the past year. I will post some pictures we took at a later time.
Posted by Henry (Calem's Opa) :: 9:28 PM :: 2 people are more aware