Wednesday, November 30, 2005
better day
Today it was a better day then previous days.I went to the hospital for some long overdue labwork.I ran into some of my co-workers today and got to talk alittle bit .After that I ran into one of Lauriannes favorite chemo nurse.She asked me righ away to come over to the infusion center after my labwork was finished .It was somewhat difficult for me since there are so many memories over there. It felt good to talk to the nurses there who I got to know so well. After that I ran some errands and this afternoon I took Calem for a long walk.The day was over before I know it.I hope one day to snap out of my sad spell and I can become the old Henry again
Posted by Henry (Calem's Opa) :: 8:08 PM :: 1 people are more aware