Wednesday, November 22, 2006
13th month anniversary
We remember Laurianne's today as it has been 13 month since her passing. It looks like a long time to me since we remembered her one year passing last month and went to the beach and everything. At the beginning of the holiday season we will take some time to reflect on her life. I feel very sad but fortunate to have had such a special child in my life even for such a short period of time . We are also fortunate to be able to enjoy and raise Calem . Her spirit lives through him and everyday we see things in him what we saw in Laurianne. We pray for good health so we can raise him into adult hood. I also hope that during this difficult season you can take a little time and think about Laurianne and all the other people who lost their live to this terrible disease. We are burning a candle tonight as we have been doing every month.
Posted by Henry (Calem's Opa) :: 6:30 PM :: 0 people are more aware